We offer positions for social services and healthcare professionals, chefs and cleaners all over Finland. Our work is meaningful and innovative. At Attendo, we have embarked on a journey to provide even better care. We want our interactions with coworkers and customers to be positive and personal. We are looking for new employees to do meaningful work as part of our talented team.
Frequently asked questions about working at Attendo
Yes, at Attendo we require A2.1 level Finnish skills. This is due to us having mostly Finnish speaking residents that you need to be able to communicate with. We still understand that the learning process is long and we offer our employees other support materials that can help you with your Finnish.
Most of our positions require a Finnish degree from the social-and healthcare sector. In Finland, Valvira grants you the right to practice a social- and healthcare profession on application to professionals trained in Finland and abroad. If you are still a student, you can apply for an apprenticeship.
Yes! We offer many apprenticeships every year in all our units.
As an apprentice you will study and work at the same time and get to do your practical studies in the unit. This is the perfect way for students to get a feel of how the work life is at Attendo. As an apprentice at Attendo you will be assigned at least one mentor that is supporting you throughout your studies.
To apply for an apprenticeship at Attendo please check our open jobs under osasto: opiskelija. If you cannot find a suitable position in your own area, you can also contact the manager of the unit you are interested in: https://www.attendo.fi/yksikot/
If you are living abroad and have a degree from the social- and healthcare sector, you can apply for our partner Silkroad’s program. The Silkroad program offers Finnish language studies, location services as well as course about Finland and living here. More information about this program can be found on the following website: https://workinfinland.silkroad.fi/application-page/
Open positions
The job descriptions and position ads are in Finnish.
We want to interact with customers and their loved ones as we would ourselves want to be treated: with kindness and consideration.
Attendo lets you thrive
We are an agile organisation that listens to feedback and puts new ideas into practice
At Attendo, your work has real meaning
Each of our employees is an important and valued part of a team whose daily work has a direct impact on our customers’ well-being and ability to live a full life.
Our values
We identify and understand our customers’ needs. The right professional in the right place.
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We help people help themselves. We value our customers and colleagues as individuals and treat them with respect and empathy.
Attendo Oy yrityksenä
Attendo – Tulevaisuuden hoivan suunnannäyttäjä
Attendo on Pohjoismaiden johtava hoivapalveluiden tarjoaja. Tehtävämme on vahvistaa ihmistä niin, että jokainen, joka meillä asuu, saa elää omannäköistään täyttä elämää. Tarjoamme hoivaa ja asumispalveluita ikäihmisille, kehitysvammaisille, vammautuneille, päihde- ja mielenterveyskuntoutujille sekä lastensuojelun ja terapian tarpeessa oleville. Asukkaillemme olemme ennen kaikkea koti, sidosryhmillemme kumppani ja yhteiskunnassa vahva muutosvoima. Noin 18 000 työntekijäämme palvelee yli 400 toimipisteessä ympäri Suomen.
Vahvistamme ihmistä. Katsomme eteenpäin. Ratkaisemme yhdessä. Me olemme Attendo.